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This page will be updated as I get access to more IDEs.

This chapter has provided an overview of some of the tools which may be of interest to you as a prompt engineer. Below are my recommendations for which to use, and in what capacity. Keep in mind that prompt engineering is a rapidly evolving field, and many of the previously mentioned tools will undergo signifigant changes in the future.

For Single Prompt Iteratingโ€‹

Everyprompt seems to have the best feature set for single prompt iterating (from the IDEs I have been able to try). Regular playground is also good, and a bit simpler.

For Prompt Chainingโ€‹

Dust is currently the best (less technical) tool for prompt chaining. It provides a very robust feature set.


Dyno is the only tool which offers an embed.

For Full Controlโ€‹

Langchain is the way to go! It is a Python library, so it is fully extensible, and already comes with a great feature set.


I will be adding more recommendations as I get access to more IDEs. I recommend trying out different ones, as each has a distinct feel and different features.